Why is Audience Targeting so Important When it Comes to Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing (SMM) is a relatively new form of advertising, one which can greatly improve the success of your business if used right. However, if you don’t get it right, social media marketing can end up costing you a whole lot of money for very few results.

If you ask digital marketing expert Peter Brittain, one of the most important aspects of social media marketing is targeting the right audience. Most social media platforms allow you to set very specific adds which are delivered to a very specific audience. Doing this is very important for a number of reasons, including:

It will help you get more website views:

Once you have identified your target audience, good quality SMM ads can help drive them to your social media page or website. Targeting the right people will increase your conversion rate, and will prevent you wasting your time delivering ads to people who will simply scroll past them. After all, the whole point of marketing is to increase the amount of people engaging with you.


Social Networks Haven't Changed Since The Pleistocene Era

Web Design – Guess What? Social Networks Haven’t Changed Since The Pleistocene Era

Oh, you think you’re pretty savvy and sophisticated, with your Twitter and Facebook and Blogger? You think we’ve gone places and done things that could never have been done before? That we’re living in the future, plugged into a worldwide hivemind that our predecessors could only dream of?

holding_big_smart_phone_icons_1600_clr_9132Nah, actually, Wired assures us that we’re not any different than prehistoric cavemen when it comes to social networks. Researchers studied a primitive tribe of hunter-gatherers and discovered that they had the same behavior patterns in socializing that our electronic socializing does. They found matches in mutual popularity, closer friends versus more remote ones, and similarity breeding friendship, among other factors. (more…)

Five Predictions For The Social Web for the Next Five Years

Five Predictions For The Social Web for the Next Five Years

Since other bloggers are jumping on the band wagon and making predictions for 2009 (because that’s what bloggers do!), I’ll go one better, and also delay the time before anybody can prove me wrong: I’ll predict through 2014! OK, crystal ball/ on the table/ tell all the future/ that you’re able. Something’s coming in…

Yahoo still won’t get bought. – Did that get your attention? We spent the better part of 2008 gossiping about Yahoo and Microsoft and their expected tryst. Never happened. Microsoft is too greedy to pay through the nose and Yahoo is too full of pride to offer lower. And Yahoo is actually still more profitable than some 90% of web-based businesses. They still made $7.22 billion in 2008 and they’re still a Fortune 500 company, OK?
